Neural Pathways
A two year exploration of the arts and mental health, encompassing:
The Forest Unyielding (May 2016) A new immersive installation work, for which a forest was built in the small confines of a theatre at 107 Redfern. This work investigated the ways in which we create neural networks in our brains through repeated thought and behaviour – in relation to both mental illness and addiction. The work comprised live performance, film projection, visual art, sound and smell
ARMOUR: Artists Mental Health Alliance (July – December 2016) A series of monthly discussions for artists around safe practice and the issues that arise in creative pursuit; with guest speakers from the arts industry. (Day long event in August, stay tuned!)
Heads Will Roll (August 2017) Community workshops culminating in a group installation work at 107 Redfern, addressing how people with mental health support needs believe our “illness” is perceived by the wider public, the ways in which we feel subject to misinformation, and how we would like things to be …
Led by artists Margot Politis, Kay Armstrong, Natalie Rose and Sarah Emery
ARMOUR DAY (Sat August 5 | 2017)
Sat Aug 5 | 10am - 12.30pm
With Dr Mark Seton, PhD
An introductory workshop for creatives who no longer want to disconnect or numb themselves in order to take the edge off the often harsh world that awaits their creative offerings.
Sat Aug 5 | 1pm - 3pm
Auslan Interpreted
An afternoon of musing, investigation, and information sharing with a cohort of industry professionals gathered by Self Help Arts, including: Dr Mark Seton PhD, Educator and Consultant, Sense Connexion; Josh Rosenthal, Head Counsellor of The Cabin Sydney, Addiction Services; Kay Armstrong, multidisciplinary independent artist; and Annie Maynard, actor.
Opening Event Thu Aug 3 | 6pm
Auslan Interpreted
Installation Open:
Fri Aug 4 - Sun Aug 6 | 10am - 6pm
Weekend-long exhibition of Heads Will Roll installation, encompassing film, sound, image, movement
The Neural Pathways project is supported by the NSW Government through Arts NSW, the Australian Government through The Australia Council for the Arts, and The City of Sydney. Auspiced by Accessible Arts NSW